Climate Justice Collab

The Climate Justice Resilience Fund Partner Workshop

The Climate Justice Resilience Fund Partner Workshop

The Climate Justice Resilience Fund Partner Workshop

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On the eve of launching their new Board and phase two of their fund, CJRF hosted a partner workshop in the Climate Justice Hub, they brought together their grantees to discuss climate justice and key themes from the CJRF portfolio, share outcomes from the first phase of CJRF grants and network together over lunch.


Date And Time

2022-11-09 @ 09:00 AM

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Joshua Amponsem

Joshua Amponsem is a Ghanaian climate activist and Co-Director of the new Youth Climate Justice Fund initiative. He is the former Climate Lead at the Office of the UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth. He has over 8 years of experience working with young people on Climate Action, Disaster Risk, and Resilience Building. He founded Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO), served as a member of the IRENA Global Council on Enabling Youth Action for SDG 7, and has been an Adaptation Fellow at the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA). In the past two years, Joshua has focused on supporting grassroot youth-led organisations and is continuously engaged in the advocacy to shift climate philanthropy to youth and locally-led organisations. He has initiated locally-led projects like the Water for Adaptation, and Sustainable Communities Project in sub-Saharan Africa which is creating jobs for over 100 people and he is championing the establishment of Youth Climate Councils across the Global South.

Dominique Souris

Dominique Souris is a climate activist and impact strategist working at the intersection of climate justice, philanthropy and technology. She is the co-founder and Founding Executive Director of Youth Climate Lab (YCL), a global organisation accelerating youth-led climate ventures, policy ideas and community projects in over 77 countries. Dominique now supports the Climate Justice-Just Transition Donor Collaborative, advises climatetech companies, and explores new ways to deliver capital to climate solutions rooted in justice. She is also the co-founder of Queering Climate, a collaborative studio for new ideas connecting, supporting and celebrating queerness in climate spaces and beyond, and serves an advisor to the Oxford Future of Climate Cooperation Initiative, Board Member of a youth-to-youth climate fund, and member of the World Economic Forum Global Shapers. She has won national and global awards for her work, including Top 30 under 30 Sustainability Leaders in Canada, Top 21 Founders to Watch, and Top 100 Visionary Leaders.

Sriranjini Raman

Sriranjini Raman is a seasoned climate justice organiser and is a core team member of Fridays for Future India. She is passionate about connecting youth to nature and creating opportunities for youth leadership in environmental policymaking. She created Pluriversity, a foundational climate justice course that empowers youth grassroots leaders. She represented Indian Youth at COP 26 and is interested in youth participation & resource mobilisation for climate justice. Sriranjini is completing her degree in Environmental Resource Studies & International Development at the University of Waterloo and is a Social Innovator at GreenHouse, a social impact incubator. She has worked with India’s biggest grassroots movements, not for profits, social enterprises, and impact firms on Intersectional Environmental Justice.

Chandelle O’neil

Chandelle is a Sustainable Energy Systems Designer and Human Rights Advocate in Trinidad and Tobago. Chandelle has Bachelor of Engineering (with distinction) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Guelph and worked in process engineering for waste reduction and improving efficiencies. Having worked in human rights advocacy for over 10 years (since they came out) and currently volunteer with CAISO Sex and Gender Justice pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda in TT, Chandelle completed the Post-Grad Diploma in Global Leadership focusing on Regenerative Leadership from the University For Peace. 


Chandelle is a social entrepreneur with their own enterprise, Mawu Energy Services, that supports energy efficiency, sustainable design and resource management in residential and commercial buildings/ properties. They were a Global Water Partnership-Caribbean (GWP-C) Young Caribbean Water Entrepreneurs Shark Tank Competition Finalist in December 2020 and got bronze with UNLEASH Hacks Caribbean in June 2021.

Paloma Costa

Paloma Costa is a young climate-activist from Brasília, basis of Brazilian government, who has a Bachelor in Law and is finishing her studies in Social Science, both at the University of Brasilia. She is a researcher in the Juridical Clinic of Human Rights – Juridical Office for Ethnic and Cultural Diversity (JUSDIV). She’s legal advisor at Instituto Socioambiental, on social-environmental rights, including indigenous and traditional peoples, being responsible for bringing the youth perspective to the organization. From 2018-2020, she coordinated the Working Group of Climate in the youth-led organization Engajamundo and the brazilian youth delegations to COP24th, COP25th, UN LAC Climate-Week and #AmazonCenteroftheWorld. She co-created EduClima – a Climate Education Program for the Youth and the Youth Demands for the development of Brazil. She is a member of the Feminist Coalition for Climate Action at UN Women and as a member of the Abu Dhabi Youth Voices (#Super30), alongside 30 different Climate Activists from different parts of the Globe, she supported the UN Youth Envoy’s Officer on the delivery of the 1st UN Youth Climate Summit. On the same occasion, she participated in the opening of the Climate Action Summit, alongside the UN Secretary-General and the activist Greta Thunberg. She is also part of several networks and co-founded #FreeTheFuture movement and Ciclimáticos. She represented the NGO’s at the 43º session of the UN Humans Rights Council. She is a Youth Advisor to the UN Secretary-General as part of the UN SG’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Changes. She participated at COP 26, COY 16 and RCOY/LAC. In 2019, she was appointed as one of the 20 women that makes the difference in Brazil by  UOL. In 2020, she was appointed as one of the 100 most influential Latinos in the climate agenda by Sachamama. And in 2021 she was recognized as one of the Climate Influencers by Época Negócios. She has been personally supporting indigenous youth initiatives, awareness and meaningful participation in decision making processes, as well as bringing Climate Education to the different spaces.

Bowen Gu

Bowen Gu is PhD researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB). Her research looks into coal and environmental justice in China and broader regions under the Belt and Road Initiative. She received her undergraduate degree in mathematics and physics from Tsinghua University in China and her master degree from the Erasmus Mundus program in environmental sciences, policy and management (MESPOM) at Central European University and the University of Manchester. Besides her PhD, she has worked for almost 10 years in socially responsible and sustainable investment to support institutional investors integrate environmental and social issues, including climate and global health topics, in their engagement with companies.

Doreen Aluoch

Graduated with a degree in International Relations which acted as a strong foundation to developing my analytical and research skills and currently doing my masters in the same field. I have so far had experience in government and the private sector working or volunteering on issues related to peace, security, human rights and the sustainable development goals (SDGs). For the past four years, I have overseen or assisted in the implementation of maternal and child health programs in Nairobi, Meru and Kwale counties Kenya. I currently work in the humanitarian sector where I assist in systems change work in the aid sector, WASH and humanitarian programming.

Maria Reyes

Maria Reyes is a 20-year-old queer  Mexican climate and human rights activist with Fridays for Future MAPA and the Indigenous Futures Network in Mexico. She fights for a systemic and intersectional change that prioritizes the well-being of the most vulnerable communities in the face of the Climate Crisis. She is an international spokesperson and has collaborated with UNICEF to highlight the water scarcity in Mexico, and with UN Women and the Center of Feminist Foreign Policy to voice the intersection between the Climate Crisis and gender inequality. She sailed to the UN Climate Conference (COP26) with the Rainbow Warrior of Greenpeace last year, and has campaigned for fossil fuels divestment from banks, and for climate reparations.

Desouza Henry Nelson

Desouza Henry Nelson is a multifaceted creative, photographer, cinematographer, filmmaker, and graphic designer.


Desouza (he/him) uses graphics, photography and film to retell the single narrative of authentic African stories. He started his creative journey by replicating his visual environment, mainly through board games he created when he was a child. As he grew up, he took that unique perspective into, first, graphic design, then photography, and then film. 


He is passionate about using his arts to showcase the vulnerable, especially women and children – he has done that in collaboration with artists and international organisations. For example, as a Cinematographer, he has worked with UNICEF in postnatal care and adolescent programmes, he has worked with Bloomberg on their global road safety campaign in Ghana, the NFL scouting in Africa, Solidaridad, and the EU. He has worked with award-winning musicians in Ghana such as Manifest, Wiyaala, MzVee, Worlasi, Adomaa, and Ghana’s premier women fellowship programme for artists. Also, he has been the chief photographer, graphic designer, and filmmaker for the current second lady of Ghana.


Desouza’s latest project which is yet to be published highlights the works of organisations and individuals who are championing climate change awareness by  providing audacious, inventive, and practical climate solutions that uphold the rights of local communities and promote the systemic change required for our collective well-being.”

Mahfudh Khamisi Omar

Mahfudh is a 21-year climate activist, environmentalist and ocean conservationist from Mombasa Island, a coastal city in the Sub-Saharan African country of Kenya. He is a young professional and educator currently studying Diploma in Education in Emergencies under University of Nairobi to better understand how children and young people are affected by migration and displacement as a result of climate change and on how they can continue their education and access inclusive and quality learning that optimises retention and transition.


Coming from a country bordering the Western Indian Ocean and hosting the two largest refugee camps in Africa, Mahfudh clearly sees the impact of climate mobility and the vulnerability of those affected, who are yet to be universally accepted under existing international law. Mahfudh spearheads to involve his community in climate action and climate justice work through adaptation and mitigation methods.


Coming from the Global South, Mahfudh has partnered with local and international stakeholders in spotlighting the climate and ecosystem situation of Kenya. He has partnered with organisations including CJ-JT Donor Collaborative for the CJ-JT Fellowship, UNESCO-IOC and also serving in EarthEcho International’s Youth Leadership Council.

Margaret Impraim

Margaret Impraim is a climate change advocate who has been working within the youth climate movement in sub-Saharan Africa for the past three years. Providing voluntary support to multiple youth-led initiatives, she has accumulated practical experiences to the injustices faced by the youth due to climate vulnerability and structural inequalities. Currently, she works as the Capacity Building and Education Officer in the Youth Climate Council Ghana where she contributes to the meaningful inclusion of the youth in national and international climate decision-making processes. In her position, she leverages her experience in youth-government partnerships to provide guidance to youth movements in other countries who are seeking to work closely with diverse stakeholders to influence climate policy. She serves as the Conference Coordinator for LCOY Ghana and the Country Contact Point for COY 17, both events serving as precursors to COP 27

Máximo Mazzocco

Máximo Mazzocco. UNDP Generation 17 Global Ambassador. Founder of Eco House Global (an Action for Sustainability youth-led non profit with more than 30 ongoing projects at local, regional and global level, and many political achievements). Pangeist. Author of the best-seller “Apuntes de un ambientalista”. Coordinator in Youth4Climate. Co-organizer of the RCOY LAC. Youth International delegate and speaker. Declared as an “Outstanding Personality” by the Buenos Aires City and recognized with national and international awards. Environmental & SDG advisor to dozens of politicians and businessmen. Co-founder of several socio-environmental federations. He has an active presence in mainstream media. Primer mover in developing the School Network for Sustainable Development, the Environmental Library, (SocioEnvironmental Database), the SocioEnvironmental University, among other notable initiatives for spanish speakers. Cancer survivor who helps in related initiatives.

Andréia Coutinho Louback

Andréia Coutinho Louback is a journalist from PUC-Rio, with a Master’s degree in Ethnic-Racial Relations from CEFET/RJ and a Fulbright Alumni from the University of California, Davis. She is an expert in climate justice and recognized as one of the exponent voices in the debate of race, gender and class in the climate agenda in Brazil. She is an advisor to Casa Fluminense, Climate HUB (Columbia Global Centers | Rio de Janeiro), Rio de Janeiro City Hall and ActionAid. As part of the Humphrey Fellowship, she did a professional residency at the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), located in New York, as an expert on climate justice. 

Sophia Kianni

Sophia Kianni is an Iranian-American activist studying climate science and health policy at Stanford University. She is the founder and executive director of Climate Cardinals, an international nonprofit with 9,000 volunteers in 40+ countries working to translate climate information into over 100 languages. She represents the U.S as the youngest member on the inaugural United Nations Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change. She sits on boards and advisory councils for The New York Times, World Economic Forum, Inkey List, Iris Project, JUV Consulting, Ashoka, and American Lung Association.

Archana Soreng

Archana Soreng, belongs to Khadia Tribe from Odisha, India. She is one of the seven members of the United Nations Secretary General’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change. She is experienced in research and advocacy . She is a researcher and advocate working  on indigenous peoples and climate action, documenting and preserving and promoting the  traditional knowledge and practices of indigenous and local communities. She is also the board member of Land Rights Now. She is also the member of Indigenous Solidarity Working Group of YOUNGO ( Official children and youth Constituency of UNFCCC).