Climate Justice Map Training
Online, April 22nd 2pm GMT / 5pm EAT
Join us for an interactive training session of the Climate Justice Map to learn who is leading intersectional work on the front lines of climate injustice.
Our bespoke Climate Justice Map training will equip those present to make best use of this important knowledge-sharing tool:
✦ Understand the need for mappings and why we did it
✦ Become confident in navigating and using this tool
✦ Uniquely search via individual country, type of organisation, leadership and key themes of work under climate justice and just transition
✦ Join our community of collaborators by including your organisation in the CJ Map
✦ Become a Climate Justice Map Champion by sharing this tool within your team and networks
The Training will last 45 minutes and will centre around an interactive live training demonstration of the map, concluding with a Q&A session